Cream series/奶油系风格

温柔而内敛的客厅,素色的木纹和清透的玻璃材质,让空间有了流动层次,感受到宁静与舒适。浅色清新的家居搭配,整体空间看起来更温馨自然。Gentle and inside collect sitting room, plain wood grain and clear glass material is qualitative, let a space had flow administrative levels, experience halcyon and comfortable. Light and fresh home collocation, the overall space looks more warm and natural.
Cream series/奶油系风格

When setting sun west falls, lie in the bedroom that is full sunshine, the exhaustion of a day can disappear completely, very cure baa!
设 计 说 明
Cream series/奶油系风格
Home is not a pure living space, but also represents the attitude towards life and a pure land of the mind. Light and gentle cream color home, will be home ceremony feeling full! Light and gentle, comfortable quietly elegant and pure breath, let the space return to simple and unadorned tone.
项目地址 | 凤凰和润
项目类型 | 平层
项目面积 | 120+m2
设计风格 | 奶油系风格
设计主创 | 董兆典
设计时间 | 2022.5
设计单位 | 易兆精品设计
[ 本帖最后由 易兆精品设计 于 2022-11-17 17:05 编辑 ]