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    » 梦溪论坛 » 家庭装修 » 全家福装饰 » 全家福装饰 装饰全家福 Family decoration decoration family
    全家福装饰  >  全家福装饰 装饰全家福 Family decoration decoration family     
    查看: 4580  回复: 1
    全家福装饰 装饰全家福 Family decoration decoration family      查看: 4580  回复: 1
    • 来自 江苏省
    • 精华 27
    • 注册 2012-2-1
    • 行业 房产建筑
    全家福装饰 装饰全家福 Family decoration decoration family

        镇江全家福装饰工程有限公司,成立于2004年,我们一直坚持“以人为本,和谐发展”的经营理念;坚持“以质量求生存,以信誉筑品牌”的人性化管理! 公司成立以来,就将诚信作为立身之本,以灵活的独立发展模式,活跃在镇江的东西南北中,各小区的业主凭借公司良好的信誉,过硬的施工质量,超凡的独特设计以及优质的售后服务,深得客户的一致好评。 公司目前拥有高效高素质施工队伍,为全家福施工质量打下坚实的质量基础。 在设计上,公司紧跟潮流发展,精益求精,以多种风格配以人性化设计,时刻为每位客户实现典雅舒适的生活而不懈努力,并免费为客户设计装饰平面图和绘制效果图。 在装修上,公司本着坚持绿色环保的理念,以质优价实、新颖设计、精心施工、跟踪服务为广大用户认可,全心全意为每一位客户服务,并将客户的满意度评价作为公司的发展目标。
        在服务上,公司力求完美。在装饰行业日新月异发展、环保意识日益强化的今天,为了更好的服务于消费者,全家福公司为客户介绍环保实用的装饰材料! 客户的肯定是对我们全家福装饰公司全体员工最高的奖励,我们将以质量求生存,以服务求进步,以信誉求发展!本公司为更多的消费者提供优质的、健康的、环保的、装饰装修服务,选择全家福就是选择放心。
        全家福立志以诚信、品质、服务,来赢得每一位客户的信任 我们一直在努力!
    地址:镇江市天桥路臻岳君庭20幢8楼(天桥装饰城 岗子下路口)

         Zhenjiang family decoration engineering co., LTD., founded in 2004, we always adhere to the "people-oriented, harmonious development" business philosophy; Adhere to the "strives for the survival by the quality, build brand" reputation of the humanized management. Since its establishment, the good faith as this, which set up in a flexible mode of independent development, active in zhenjiang thing north and south, the owner of the village with the company's good reputation, excellent construction quality, extraordinary unique design and high quality after-sales service, is deep the customer the consistent high praise. Company currently has efficient high-quality construction team, the quality of the construction quality to lay a solid foundation for family. In design, the company follow the trend of the development, strives for perfection, with humanized design in a wide variety of styles, and time for each customer to realize a comfortable life and make unremitting efforts, and free for the customer design decoration floor plan and rendering drawing. On the decoration, the company adhere to the concept of green environmental protection, with good quality and price, innovative design, the careful construction, the tracking service for the general user acceptance, wholeheartedly service for every customer, and customer satisfaction evaluation as the company's development goals.
         On the service, the company strive to perfect. In the decoration industry rapid development, the environmental protection consciousness strengthen increasingly today, in order to better serve the consumers, family company introduces practical environmental protection adornment material for our customer! Customer is definitely on our family decoration company all staff's highest award, strives for the survival by the quality, we will service for progress, to the credibility of development! The company for more customers to provide quality, health, environmental protection and decoration services, choose family is to choose rest assured.
         Family decoration, decoration and your family. On this side a piece of our company have a detailed price quotation list, the price of one pace reachs the designated position. Zero extension! Free test room, the amount of free room, free offer panoramic rendering, free design. Company does not charge any deposit.
         Family to take the good faith, quality, service, to win the trust of every customer we have been trying to!
    Address: zhenjiang bridge road become YueJunTing 20 8 building (under the ridge road overpass decoration city)
    Domestic outfit hotline: 0511-83987688
    Design director, included: 18905282578 (the same WeChat number)
    Stylist BianJie: QQ: 837218360 (WeChat with Numbers)

    [ 本帖最后由 全家福装饰 于 2022-1-13 13:24 编辑 ]

    • 来自 江苏省
    • 精华 27
    • 注册 2012-2-1
    • 行业 房产建筑

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