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    » 梦溪论坛 » 111111111111老帖归档 » 瑞思学科英语 » 欢迎瑞思学科英语K012班的小朋友们
    瑞思学科英语  >  欢迎瑞思学科英语K012班的小朋友们     
    查看: 39452  回复: 1
    欢迎瑞思学科英语K012班的小朋友们      查看: 39452  回复: 1
    • 来自 江苏省
    • 精华 0
    • 注册 2012-6-5
    • 行业 教育科研

    5月4日教学目标:要求孩子按要求找单词。根据发音找到相应单词。教学内容:1、复习homereading: The Huge Carrot.    Is the mole big or small?    What color is the mole?    Can you read this sentence?2、notebook    让孩子根据老师所说数字找出相应单词,并且按顺序排好造句。3、sight word    复习came am for out in be there4、word puzzles     Can you find the words that begin with the sound/h?/     Can you find the words that end wit the sound/x/?     Can you find the words that have /a/ sound in the middle?     Can you guess what is under the word puzzle?     I guess...5、项目六
    Can you say something about spring?Can you give me 4 sentences about spring?
    6、家庭作业:第56页。在字母框中找出右边图片下面的单词,并圈出。8月31日教学目标:要求孩子按要求找单词。根据发音找到相应单词。教学内容:1、复习homereading: The Huge Carrot.    Is the mole big or small?    What color is the mole?    Can you read this sentence?2、notebook    让孩子根据老师所说数字找出相应单词,并且按顺序排好造句。3、sight word    复习came am for out in be there4、word puzzles     Can you find the words that begin with the sound/h?/     Can you find the words that end wit the sound/x/?     Can you find the words that have /a/ sound in the middle?     Can you guess what is under the word puzzle?     I guess...5、项目六
    Can you say something about spring?Can you give me 4 sentences about spring?

    • 来自 江苏省
    • 精华 0
    • 注册 2012-6-5
    • 行业 教育科研


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