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    » 梦溪论坛 » 家有学子 » ❤英语365天❤亲子对话❤每日更新Day89不要碰哥哥姐姐的东西(二)
    家有学子  >  [幼儿话题] ❤英语365天❤亲子对话❤每日更新Day89不要碰哥哥姐姐的东西(二)     
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    [幼儿话题] ❤英语365天❤亲子对话❤每日更新Day89不要碰哥哥姐姐的东西(二)      查看: 54012  回复: 94
    • 来自 江苏省
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    • 注册 2015-5-27
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    [ 本帖最后由 Kathy的私人花园 于 2020-6-5 21:43 编辑 ]

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    Day1  起床场景

    1. Time to wake up! [该起床啦!]
    2. Still dreaming?[还在睡吗?]
    3. Do you want to sleep some more?[你还想再睡一会吗?]
    4. Mum, I can't keep my eyes open.[妈妈,我睁不开眼睛。]
    5. I'll count to three, come on![我数到三,快点起床!]
    6. Hurry up, or you will be late.[快点,不然你要迟到了。]
    7. Did you get up by yourself?[你自己起床的吗?]
    8. I'm awake.[我醒了。]
    9. Let's see who gets up first.[看看谁先起床。]
    10. Did you hear the alarm?[你听到闹钟响了吗?]

    [ 本帖最后由 Kathy的私人花园 于 2020-3-14 08:56 编辑 ]

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    Day 2  晨间问好

    1. Good morning, mom and dad! 【爸爸妈妈,早上好!】

    2. Did you sleep well? 【睡得好吗?】

    3. You slept in. 【你睡懒觉了。】

    4. Was it chilly at night? 【晚上冷吗?】

    5. You look happy after a good night's sleep. 【睡个好觉之后,你看上去心情不错。】

    6. Did you have sweet dreams? 【你做美梦了吗?】

    7. Mom, want to hear about my dreams? 【妈妈,想听听我做的梦吗?】

    8. Can you wake up your brother? 【你可以叫你弟弟起床吗?】

    9. Why so early? 【怎么起这么早?】

    10. I'm still sleepy. 【我还想睡。】

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    Day 3  洗脸场景

    1. Get up to wash your face. 【起床洗脸了。】

    2. Wash your neck too. 【别忘了脖子也要擦洗,】

    3. Want mom to help you? 【需要妈妈帮你吗?】

    4. Who wants to wash up first? 【谁要先洗(漱)?】

    5. If I do it by myself, I will get my clothes wet. 【我自己洗的话,我会弄湿衣服的。】

    6. Are you done? 【都洗好了吗?】

    7. I'm working, mom. 【我正在洗,妈妈。】

    8. Mom, there's no towel. 【妈妈,没有毛巾。】

    9. You look pretty after cleaning. 【洗好后,你看起来真漂亮。】

    10. Watch out for the slippery floor. 【地板很滑,要小心呀。】

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    Day 4  刷牙场景

    1. You should brush your teeth three times a day. 【一天要刷三次牙。】

    2. Brush up and down. 【刷牙要上下刷。】

    3. Don't forget to brush deep inside. 【不要忘记也要刷里面。】

    4. Gargle and spit. 【漱口,然后吐掉。】

    5. Put a little toothpaste on your toothbrush. 【沾一点牙膏到牙刷上。】

    6. Mom, squeeze the toothpaste for me. 【妈妈,帮我挤牙膏。】

    7. Don't leave the water running. 【不要忘记关水。】

    8. Brush your teeth well, or they will turn black. 【要好好刷牙,不然你的牙齿会变黑。】

    9. If you don't take care of your teeth, you will get cavities. 【如果你不好好照顾你的牙齿,你会长蛀牙的。】

    10. Has it been three minutes yet? 【三分钟到了吗?】

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    Day 5  吃早餐场景(一)

    1. It's time for breakfast. 【该吃早餐了。】

    2. Come and eat your breakfast. 【来吃早餐了。】

    3. Sit at the table.【坐在餐桌旁。】

    4. Who wants to help me set the table?【谁可以帮妈妈摆餐桌?】

    5. Can you call your sister too?【你可以也叫一下你的姐姐吗?】

    6. How is it? Is it good?【味道如何?好吃吗?】

    7. Don't you like it?【你不喜欢吗?】

    8. Why aren't you eating?【你为什么不吃?】

    9. I don't feel like eating much.【我不怎么想吃。】

    10. Eating breakfast makes you strong.【吃早餐能让你更强壮

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    Day  6   吃早餐场景(二)

    1. Just try and see if it's good.  【先尝尝看好不好吃。】

    2. Let's drink some milk. 【喝点牛奶。】

    3. Don't spill the milk. 【不要让牛奶洒出来。】

    4. I can't reach the dish.  【我拿不到(菜)。】

    5. It's too hot. 【太烫了。】

    6. Blow on your food to cool it off. 【吹一下,让它凉一点。】

    7. I'm full. 【我吃饱了。】

    8. Can I leave some? 【我能剩一点吗?】

    9. I'm almost done eating. 【我快吃完了。】

    10. Thank you for the nice meal. 【谢谢你(给我)这么好吃的一餐。】

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    Day  7   用餐习惯和礼仪

    1. Don't be picky with your food.【不要挑食。】

    2. Don't leave your food uneaten. 【食物不可以剩下。】

    3. Be careful not to drop your food. 【小心别把食物弄掉了。】

    4. Eat slowly and don't rush.【慢慢吃,不着急。】

    5. Sit down and eat at the table. 【要坐在餐桌旁吃饭。】

    6. Don't talk with your mouth full. 【嘴巴里有食物时不要说话。】

    7. Put your bowl in the sink. 【把碗放进洗碗槽里。】

    8. Help me clean up the table. 【来帮我收拾餐桌吧。】

    9. Chew well.【好好咀嚼。】

    10. You should eat by yourself. 【你应该自己吃饭。】

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    Day  8   上厕所场景(一)

    1. I have to pee. 【我要去尿尿。】

    2. I have to poop. 【我要去拉粑粑。】

    3. I'm about to poop. 【我快要拉出来了。】

    4. Take off your pants first. 【先把你的裤子脱下来。】

    5. Don't forget to flush. 【不要忘记冲水。】

    6. Phew! It stinks. 【唷,好臭哦!】

    7. Tell me if you have to pee. 【如果你要尿尿,要告诉我。】

    8. Don't hold it. Go pee. 【不要憋着,去尿尿。】

    9. I don't want to sit on the toilet. 【我不想坐马桶。】

    10. Don't use too much toilet paper. 【不要用太多卫生纸。】

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    Day  9   上厕所场景(二)

    1. Wash your hands after you poop. 【拉完粑粑后,要洗手。】

    2.Flush the toilet only once. 【水冲一次就好了。】

    3. Call me when you're done. 【好了叫我。】

    4. I'm done, mom. 【妈妈,我好了。】

    5. Can you wipe my bottom? 【你可以帮我擦屁股吗?】

    6. Who cut the cheese? 【谁放屁了?】

    7. Did you pee in your pants? 【你尿在裤子上了吗?】

    8. Does your tummy ache? 【你肚子疼吗?】

    9. It looks like you were in a rush. 【看起来你很急。】

    10. Don't hold it till you have to pee in your pants. 【别忍不住再尿在裤子上。】[/b]

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    原帖由 megane 于 2020-3-17 16:28 发表



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    Day  10   爸爸妈妈去上班(一)

    1. Daddy is going to work. 【爸爸要去上班了。】

    2. Daddy is leaving. Say goodbye. 【爸爸要出门了,说再见。】

    3. Say bye-bye, sweetie. 【说再见,宝贝。】

    4. Have a good day, mom! 【妈妈, 祝你有美好的一天。】

    5. Good luck, mom! 【妈妈,祝你好运。】

    6. Honey, want to polish Dad's shoes? 【宝贝,你要帮爸爸擦鞋吗?】

    7. Let me get your shoes ready, mom. 【妈妈,我帮你拿鞋子。】

    8. Call us if you're going to be late. 【晚的话,打电话给我们。】

    9. Come home early. 【早点回家。】

    10. Don't be too late, dad. 【不要太晚回家,爸爸。】

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    Day  11   爸爸妈妈去上班(二)

    1. When are you coming back? 【你什么时候回来?】

    2. I want to go with you,dad. 【我想跟爸爸一起去。】

    3. Come home early to play with me. 【早点回家跟我一起玩。】

    4. Bring me some goodies when you get back. 【回来时,要买好吃的给我。】

    5. You look great, dad. 【爸爸,你看起来很帅。】

    6. I'll miss you while I work. 【当我上班时,我会想你的。】

    7. Dad will call you at lunch hour. 【午餐时,我会打电话给你。】

    8. Have fun with mummy. 【跟妈妈好好玩。】

    9.I'll come back from work as fast as I can. 【下班后,我会尽早回家。】

    10. Shall I bring you something? 【需要我买什么东西吗?】

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    Day  12   挑选衣服

    1. What do you want to wear? 【你想穿什么?】

    2. What do you need to wear today? 【你今天需要穿什么?】

    3. Choose what you want to wear. 【挑一件你想穿的吧。】

    4. Shorts are not good for this weather. 【这个天气不适合穿短裤。】

    5. It's chilly, so you should wear a jacket. 【天气很冷,你需要穿件外套。】

    6. I don't want to wear this shirt. Give me another one. 【我不想穿这件衬衫,给我另外一件。】

    7. It's not fully fry yet.【衣服还没干透。】

    8. I don't feel comfortable in this shirt. 【这件衬衫我穿着不舒服。】


    9. This is too thin. 【这件太薄了。】

    10. The pants doesn't match the shirt. 【这条裤子和衬衫不搭。】

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    Day  13  穿衣服

    1. Let's get charged. 【让我们来换衣服吧。】

    2. Can you get dressed by yourself? 【你可以自己穿衣服吗?】

    3. Do you want mom to help you? 【你需要妈妈帮忙吗?】

    4. Fold your sleeves. 【把袖子挽起来。】

    5. Your socks don't match. 【你的袜子不是同一双。】

    6. Zip up your pants. 【拉上裤子的拉链。】

    7. Let's button your shirt. 【让我们来扣上衬衫的扣子。】

    8. You put on your shirt inside out. 【你的衬衫穿反了。】

    9. Let's change into some new underwear. 【我们换新的内衣穿吧。】

    10. You buttoned your shirt wrong. 【你的纽扣扣错了。】

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    Day  14   自己穿衣服

    1. Look in your closet. 【在你的衣柜里找找。】

    2. Change into what you wear at home. 【换上居家服。】

    3. Can I wear this? 【我可以穿这件吗?】

    4. Isn't that too hot? Wear something else. 【那件不会太热吗?换一件吧。】

    5. I'll just stay in these clothes. 【我就继续穿这些衣服。】

    6. That's dirty. Change now. 【那件脏了,现在就换掉吧。】

    7. Put your dirty clothes in the laundry basket. 【把脏衣服放进脏衣篮里。】

    8. What are you doing not getting dressed? 【你不穿衣服,在做什么呢?】

    9. Put on the clothes that are ready. 【换上准备好的衣服。】

    10. Change your underwear too.【内衣也要换。】

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    Day  15  衣物的种类

    shirt  衬衫

    hoodie  帽衫

    skirt  短裙

    underwear  内衣

    vest  背心

    T-shirt  T恤衫

    pullover  套头衫

    pants  裤子

    shorts  短裤

    dress  连衣裙

    gym clothes  运动服

    uniform  制服

    jacket  夹克衫

    tank top  无袖上衣

    jeans  牛仔裤

    overalls 工作服

    coat  外套

    sock  袜子

    stocking  长袜

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    Day  16   梳头发(一)

    1. I will your hair pretty. 【我会把你的头发绑的漂亮的。】

    2. Do you want it tied in a ponytail or pigtails? 【你要绑马尾还是辫子?】

    3. Let me part your hair. 【让我来帮你把头发分边。】

    4. Your hair has grown a lot. 【你的头发长很多了。】

    5. Your hair is fluffy. 【你的头发很蓬松。】

    6. Do you want a hairpin? 【你要别个发夹吗?】

    7. Which hairband do you want? 【你想绑哪个发带?】

    8. Your hair is tangled up, so I can't comb it. 【你的头发打结了,我梳不开。】

    9. Mom, that hurts! 【妈妈,痛!】

    10. Want me to braid your hair? 【你要我帮你编辫子吗?】

    [ 本帖最后由 Kathy的私人花园 于 2020-3-24 09:28 编辑 ]

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    Day  17  梳头发(二)

    1. Can you hand me the hairpin? 【你能把发夹拿给我吗?】

    2. Please bring me the comb. 【请把梳子拿给我。】

    3. Can you cut my bangs? 【你能帮我剪掉刘海吗?】

    4. My hair is poking me in my eyes. 【我的头发戳到我的眼睛了。】

    5. Can you tie my hair like you did yesterday? 【可以帮我绑昨天一样的头发吗?】

    6. I don't like this hairstyle. 【我不喜欢这个发型。】

    7. I want to untie my hair today. 【我今天要把头发放下来。】

    8. Don't tie it too hard. 【请不要绑太紧。】

    9. Do you want your bangs to grow? 【你要把刘海留长吗?】

    10. Brush my hair softly. 【轻轻地帮我梳头发。】

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    Day  18  准备学校用品

    1. What are your supplies for school today? 【今天的学校用品是什么?】

    2. Did you pack your bag? 【你整理好书包了吗?】

    3. Did you get your homework? 【作业放进去了吗?】

    4. Do you have your lunchbox and water bottle? 【饭盒和水瓶都准备好了吗?】

    5. Oops, I forgot. 【糟糕, 我忘记了。】

    6. I can't remember what I should bring. 【我忘记我需要带什么了。】

    7. I need to get this paper signed. 【这份试卷需要签名。】

    8. Make sure you have everything. 【确认你是不是带齐了。】

    9. Do you need anything else? 【你还需要其他东西吗?】

    10. Starting tomorrow, have it ready beforehand. 【从明天开始,要事先做好准备。】

    [ 本帖最后由 Kathy的私人花园 于 2020-3-30 09:37 编辑 ]

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    原帖由 桃子妈咪 于 2020-3-26 10:04 发表


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    Day 19    催促

    1. Mom's waiting. 【妈妈在等你。】

    2. You'll be late. 【你要迟到了。】

    3. You're going to miss the school bus. 【你会错过校车的。】

    4. Can you give me a ride? 【你能开车送我去吗?】

    5. Can't you tell me the time? 【你难道不知道几点了吗?】

    6. Do you know how late you are? 【你知道你晚了多久吗?】

    7. Finish in five minutes. 【五分钟内把它完成。】

    8. I'm leaving before you. 【我要先走了。】

    9. I'll be outside waiting for you. 【我在外面等你。】

    10. Finish before I count to three. 【我数到三之前要完成。】

    [ 本帖最后由 Kathy的私人花园 于 2020-3-30 09:38 编辑 ]

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    Day 20  穿鞋子(一)

    1. Put on your shoes. 【穿上你的鞋子。】

    2. Change your shoes to sneakers. 【换上运动鞋。】

    3. Your shoes are on the wrong feet. 【你的鞋子穿反了。】

    4. Don't step on the back of your shoes. 【不要踩到鞋后跟。】

    5. These shoes are old and torn. 【这鞋子又旧又破。】

    6. Your shoelaces are untied. 【你的鞋带松开了。】

    7. I like Velcro shoes. 【我喜欢魔术贴鞋。】

    8. Those shoes don't match your clothes. 【那鞋子和你的衣服不搭。】

    9. Put your shoes in the right place. 【把鞋子放在该放的位置。】

    10. Put them on the shoe rack. 【把鞋子放到鞋架上。】

    [ 本帖最后由 Kathy的私人花园 于 2020-3-30 09:38 编辑 ]

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    Day 21  穿鞋子(二)

    1. Your shoe size is 130mm. 【你的鞋码是130毫米。】

    2. Do the shoes fit? 【鞋子合脚吗?】

    3. Are they too big? 【鞋子太大吗?】

    4. You've outgrown your shoes. 【你已经长到鞋子都穿不下了。】

    5. Let me buy you a new pair. 【我给你买双新的的吧。】

    6. These new shoes hurt my feet. 【这些新鞋穿得我脚痛。】

    7. I want to wear my dress shoes. 【我想穿我的皮鞋。】

    8. What shoes should I wear? 【我该穿哪双鞋子?】

    9. They need to be washed. 【鞋子要洗一洗了。】

    10. Switch shoes. 【换着穿鞋。】

    [ 本帖最后由 Kathy的私人花园 于 2020-3-30 10:03 编辑 ]

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    Day 22  上学前的交流

    1. Have a good day. 【祝你有美好的一天。】

    2. Give me a kiss. 【亲一下,宝贝。】

    3. Study hard at school. 【在学校好好用功。】

    4. Come home right after school. 【放学后立刻回家。】

    5. Will you be home when I  come back? 【我回来时你会在家吗?】

    6. I'll go and pick you up. 【我会去接你。】

    7. Goodbye! I'm leaving. 【再见吗,我走了。】

    8. Call me after school. 【放学后打电话给我。】

    [ 本帖最后由 Kathy的私人花园 于 2020-3-30 10:04 编辑 ]

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    Day 23  妈妈的叮咛

    1. Watch out for cars. 【要小心车。】

    2. Always cross at crosswalks. 【过马路一定要走斑马线。】

    3. Look sideways while you are walking. 【走路时要注意看两边。】

    4. Watch for the traffic lights. 【要看红绿灯。】

    5. Don't play with your cell phone on the street. 【不要在路上玩手机。】

    6. Don't run, walk slowly. 【不要跑,慢慢走。】

    7. Don't ever follow strangers.【绝对不可以跟陌生人走。】

    8. Be nice to your friends. 【跟朋友们好好相处。】

    9. Eat plenty for lunch. 【午餐要吃饱。】

    10. If you meet a bully, tell me at once. 【如果你看到有人被欺负,要立刻告诉我。】

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    Day 24  使用电梯/楼梯(一)

    1. Go and call the elevator. 【去按电梯。】

    2. The elevator is going up/down. 【电梯上来了/下来了。】

    3. Let me push the button. 【我来按按钮。】

    4. The elevator is here. 【电梯到了。】

    5. Hold it. 【让电梯等一下。】这句话可以使用的场景很多,大多为等一等。

    6. Wait until everyone gets off. 【等所有人出来。】

    7. Can you press the first floor? 【你能按一下一楼吗?】

    8. What floor should we press? 【我们要按哪一层呢?】

    9. Press the open/close button. 【按开门/关门按钮。】

    10. Be calm inside here. 【在里面要安静。】

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    Day 25  使用电梯/楼梯(二)

    1. Don't lean on the elevator door. 【不要倚靠在电梯门上。】

    2. Don't goof around in the elevator. 【不要在电梯内打闹。】

    3. You might get stuck in the door. 【你会被门夹的。】

    4. What floor are you going to? 【你要去几楼?】

    5. Always look at what floor you're leaving. 【出去时一定要看一下这是几楼。】

    6. Let's take the stairs. 【我们走楼梯吧。】

    7. Let's have a race to the first floor. 【我们比赛谁先到一楼吧。】

    8. Don't hang on the handrail. 【不要握住栏杆不放。】

    9. Go down one step at a time. 【一次跨一个台阶。】

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    Day 26   用吸尘器

    1. It's time to clean up. 【打扫的时间到了。】

    2. Will you try to use the vacuum? 【你想试试吸尘器吗?】

    3. Can you move a little bit? 【你能挪开一点吗?】

    4. You need to move the stuff on the floor. 【你得把地板上的东西拿走。】

    5. I just want to get the dust off. 【我只是要拍掉灰尘。】

    6. Look! Lots of hair! 【看,好多头发呀!】

    7. Can you move your toys so I can vacuum? 【你移开你的玩具让我吸尘吗?】

    8. It's clean after we clean up. 【打扫好变得好干净呀。】

    9. We finished early because of you, honey. 【亲爱的,多亏有你的帮忙,打扫提前完成了。】

    10. You're all grown up helping mommy clean the house. 【你长大了,都可以帮妈妈打扫屋子了。】

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    Day 27    扫地/擦地板

    1. Let's wipe the floor. 【我们来擦地吧。】

    2. I 'm going to sweep the floor. 【我要扫地。】

    3. I wipe after sweeping. 【先扫地再擦。】

    4. Can you get me the rag? 【你能帮我拿抹布吗?】

    5. Turn it over and clean the floor. 【把抹布翻过来,再清洁地板。】

    6. It's dirty. We need to wash the rag. 【好脏呀,我们要洗一下抹布。】

    7. Clean with all your strength. 【用全力去擦。】

    8. I think daddy should do it. 【我想让爸爸做这个。】

    9. Wiping the floor is tiring, isn't it? 【擦地很辛苦,是吧?】

    10. Use the mop instead of a rag. 【用拖把代替抹布吧!】

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    Day 28  整理玩具(一)

    1. The toys on the floor are a mess. 【地板上的玩具很凌乱。】

    2. Who made such a mess? 【谁弄得这么乱?】

    3. Why is there such a mess? 【为什么这么乱?】

    4. What should you do with your toys when you finish playing with them? 【当你不玩时,你应该对你的玩具做什么?】

    5. You should clean up after you play. 【玩完之后,你应该整理。】

    6. Go put away your toys so mommy can clean room. 【去整理你的玩具,妈妈要打扫房间。】

    7. I was just about to clean that up. 【我正打算要整理。】

    8. Can I play a bit longer? 【我可以再玩一会吗?】

    9. I'll clean up after a little while. 【我等一下收拾。】

    10. Leave it there, please.  【拜托就放在那里吧。】

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    Day 29  整理玩具(二)

    1. Can you clean up by yourself? 【你能自己收拾吗?】

    2. Pick up the blocks and the other toys. 【收拾积木和其他玩具。】

    3. You should put the books back on the shelf. 【你应该把书放回书架上。】

    4. Put it back where it was. 【把那个放回原位。】

    5. You cleaned up so nicely. 【你收拾的好棒!】

    7. You deserve a sticker for cleaning up. 【因为你都收拾好了,你可以得到一枚贴纸。】

    8. The toys want to go back to their home. 【这些玩具想回到他们自己家里。】

    9. Can I get rid of this since it's still on the floor? 【这个玩具还在地板上,我可以把它丢掉吗?】

    10. Don't give them away. I'll clean them up. 【不要把它们送走,我会收拾的。】

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    Day 30   打扫房间及整理书桌

    1. Please clean up your room. 【请把房间打扫干净。】
    2. Please clean off your desk. 【请把书桌清理干净。】
    3. The bookshelves are all messed up. 【书桌已经乱得不成样子了。】
    4. Please empty the trash can. 【请把垃圾桶清空。】
    5. Your bed is so messy. 【你的床太脏乱了。】
    6. I want to clean my desk by myself. 【我要自己清理我的书桌。】
    7. Please clean up my room for me. 【请帮我打扫房间。】
    8. I'll clean it up right away. 【我现在马上打扫。】
    9. It's so messy that I can't clean it by myself. 【这太脏乱了,我一个人没办法打扫。】
    10. I won't mess it up the next time. 【下次我不会再弄得这样脏乱了。】

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    Day 31   洗碗(一)

    1. Mommy is doing the dishes. 【妈妈在洗碗。】

    2. There are a lot of dishes today. 【今天有很多碗要洗。】

    3. Can you clean the table? 【你能清理餐桌吗?】

    4. Put the dishes in the sink. 【把碗盘放进水槽里。】

    5. Please put away the dishes from the table. 【请把碗从餐桌上拿走。】

    6. Can you help me do the dishes? 【你能帮我洗碗吗?】

    7. Where is the sponge? 【海绵在哪里?】

    8. Let me do the dishes from now on. 【以后碗都有我来洗。】

    9.  You are a big girl now helping me do the dishes. 【现在你真的是一个大姑娘了,都能帮我洗碗了。】

    10. Who will do the dishes today? 【今天谁来洗碗?】

    [ 本帖最后由 Kathy的私人花园 于 2020-4-9 08:46 编辑 ]

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    Day 32   洗碗(二)

    1. You can do that when you are older. 【等你再大一点后再做吧。】

    2. Put on the rubber gloves and put some liquid soap on the sponge. 【戴上橡胶手套,再把洗洁精挤在海绵上。】

    3. Wash the dishes carefully so they won't break. 【洗碗的时候要小心,不要把碗打破了。】

    4.They are sparking clean. 【碗干净得闪闪发光。】

    5. Turn off the tap. 【把水龙头关好。】

    6. There is still some soap on it. It's slippery. 【上面还有些泡泡,很滑。】

    7. Use hot water to wash off the grease. 【用热水把油垢洗掉。】

    8. Place the dripping bowls upside down on the rack. 【请把湿的碗倒过来放在架子上。】

    9. We've got a lot to clean, so let's use the dishwasher. 【有很多碗要洗,我们用洗碗机吧。】

    10. Load the dishes in the dishwasher. 【把碗放进洗碗机。】

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    Day 33    洗衣服

    1. I'm going to use the washing machine.【我要去用洗衣机了。】

    2. I'm going to do the laundry. 【我要去洗衣服了。】

    3. Get the socks all together. 【把袜子都放在一起。】

    4. Put the colored clothes here and the whites over there. 【有颜色的衣服放这里,白色的衣服放那里。】

    5. Should there pants be washed? 【这条裤子要洗吗?】

    6. There are stains on the shirt. 【衬衫上沾到污渍了。】

    7. Let's boil the towels. 【我们把毛巾烫一下。】

    8. Put in the detergent. 【放点洗衣服。】

    9. I'll hand-wash this. 【这个我要手洗。】

    10. We have to dry-clean those clothes. 【那些衣服必须干洗。】

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    Day 34   晾衣服

    1. Let's hang the clothes on the rack. 【我们把衣服晾在晾衣架上吧。】

    2. Shake each item and put it on the rack. 【一件件抖开后,再把它们晾上去。】

    3. Make sure the clothes don't hit the ground. 【确保衣服不会碰到地上。】

    4. We need some clothespins. 【我们需要一些衣夹。】

    5. The stain's not completely out. 【污渍没有完全洗掉。】

    6. It will be all dry tomorrow. 【到明天一定全干了。】

    7. There's no room anymore. 【没地方晾了。】

    8. Try hanging your clothes by yourself. 【你的衣服自己试着晾晾看。】

    [ 本帖最后由 Kathy的私人花园 于 2020-4-11 22:06 编辑 ]

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    原帖由 kenshin78 于 2020-4-12 06:49 发表

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    Day 35   折衣服

    1. The clothes are well dried. 【衣服都干了。】

    2. Let's take the clothes off the rack. 【我们把衣服从晾衣架上拿下来吧。】

    3. Can you help me fold the clothes? 【你能帮我叠衣服吗?】

    4. Try to fold it neatly. 【试着叠整齐一点。】

    5. Fold it in half like this. 【像这样对折。】

    6. That's daddy's. 【那是爸爸的。】

    7. Where is the other sock? 【另一只袜子在哪里?】

    8. Put them in the drawer. 【把它们放进抽屉里。】

    9. Hang the shirts on the coat hanger. 【衬衫要用衣架挂起来。】

    10. This is how you fold clothes. 【你要像这样折衣服。】

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    Day 36     照顾花草

    1. Let's put some water in the flower pots. 【我们浇点水到花盆里吧。】

    2. The flowers are withered. 【花都枯萎了。】

    3. How much should I pour? 【我可以浇多少水?】

    4. Tilt the watering can more. 【把水壶再倾斜一点。】

    5. If the weather's hot, we need to give it more water. 【如果天气很热,我们要浇更多的水。】

    6. Giving too much water might make the plant die. 【浇太多的水,植物也有可能会死掉。】

    7. This flower has a strong scent. 【这花很香。】

    8. The flowers are in full blossom. 【花都全盛开了。】

    9. The sprouts have come up. 【发芽了。】

    10. This tree bears fruit. 【这树结果实了。】

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    Day 37   吃午餐

    1. I'm hungry. 【我饿了。】

    2. Wait a second. I'll have lunch ready soon. 【等一会,我马上把午餐准备好。】

    3. What is for lunch? 【午餐吃什么?】

    4. Want to eat at home or out? 【想在家吃还是出去吃?】

    5. I'll get the bones out. 【我来把骨头剔除。】

    6. Let me cut it off. 【我来切一下。】

    7. Eat just a little bit even though you don't feel like eating. 【即使你不想吃,也要吃一点。】

    8. Fast food isn't good for you. 【快餐对身体不好。】

    9. I'll get lunch ready and then leave. 【我会给你准备好午餐再出门。】[/b]

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    Day 38     放学回家(一)

    1. I'm home. 【我到家了。】

    2. You're home early. 【你回来得挺早。】

    3. How was your day? 【今天过得怎么样?】

    4. It was all right. 【还好。】

    5. You're a little late. Did something happen? 【你今天有点晚,有什么事吗?】

    6. I played with my friends after school. 【我和朋友们放学玩了一会。】

    7. Come straight home next time. 【下次要直接回家。】

    8. I was worried about you. 【我很担心你。】

    9. You look tired. 【你看上去很累。】

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    Day 39     放学回家(二)

    1. Is sister there? 【姐姐回来了吗?】

    2. Not yet. She'll be home soon. 【还没,她快回来了。】

    3. She's already here. 【她已经回来了。】

    4. She's sleeping, so be quiet. 【她正在睡觉,安静点。】

    5. Of course, she is waiting for you. 【当然,她在等你。】

    6. Brr, it's cold today. 【啊!今天好冷。】

    7. It's so hot, can I have some water? 【好热啊,我能喝点水吗?】

    8. Do you get alone with your friends? 【你跟朋友们相处得好吗?】

    9. What did you learn at school? 【你在学校学了什么?】

    10. What did you have for lunch? 【你午餐吃了什么?】

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    Day 40    接孩子

    1. Mom's here. 【妈妈在这里。】

    2. Why did you come to pick me? 【为什么是你来接我?】

    3. Why are you so late? 【你为什么这么迟?】

    4. If mom were late, we could have missed each other. 【如果妈妈晚到,我们可能会错过彼此。】

    5. The bus is busy today. 【今天公交车很忙。】

    6. Can you pick me up again tomorrow? 【明天你还能再来接我吗?】

    7. Were you waiting for me for a while? 【你是不是等了一会了?】

    8. Even if mom's late, just wait here. 【即使妈妈来迟了,你也要在这里等着。】

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    Day 41    洗手

    1. Look at your hands, they're so dirty. 【看看你的手,太脏了!】

    2. Go and wash your hands. 【去洗手!】

    3. When you come home, you should wash your hands. 【回到家时,你应该洗手。】

    4. Scrub your hands with soap. 【用肥皂擦洗你的手。】

    5. It won't come off. 【洗不掉。】

    6. There's still foam on your hands. 【你手上还有泡沫。】

    7. You can't see the germ. 【你看不见细菌。】

    8. Wash your wrist too. 【手腕也要洗。】

    9. I washed them before you told me to. 【我在你说之前已经洗好了。】

    10. I'm done washing. 【我洗好了!。】

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    Day 42   吃点心(一)

    1. Please get me some snack. 【请给我一些点心。】

    2. Didn't you finish your lunch at school? Why are you so hungry? 【你在学校没有吃完饭吗?为什么会饿?】

    3. The food today was so bad, so I didn't eat it all. 【今天的饭不好吃,所以我没有吃完。】

    4. Are you thirsty? 【你渴了吗?】

    5. Is it time for dinner yet? 【还没到吃晚餐的时间吗?】

    6. Get something from the fridge. 【去冰箱里找点吃的吧。】

    7. What do you want to eat? 【你想吃什么?】

    8. Want mom to make you something tasty? 【要妈妈做好吃的给你吗?】

    9. I'm hungry because I played for a while. 【因为今天我玩了好一阵子,所以很饿。】

    10. Are you hungry again? 【你又饿了吗?】

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    Day 43   吃点心(二)

    1. What's my snack? 【我的点心是什么?】

    2. It's your favorite. 【是你最喜欢的。】

    3. Share it with your brother. 【和弟弟一起分享。】

    4. Leave some for your sister. 【留一点给姐姐。】

    5. Can I have some more? 【我能再要一些吗?】

    6. If you eat too many cookies, you can't have dinner. 【如果吃太多的饼干,你会吃不下晚餐。】

    7. If you eat too many sweets, your teeth will rot. 【如果你吃太多的甜食,你的牙齿会烂掉。】

    8. Eat too much cold food will make you sick. 【如果你吃太多冰冷的食物,你会生病的。】

    9. If you eat too much fried food, you will gain weight. 【如果你吃太多油炸的食物,你会变胖的。】

    10. You'll get in trouble if you drink too much cola. 【如果你喝太多的可乐,你的身体会出问题的。】

    • 来自 江苏省
    • 精华 2
    • 注册 2015-5-27
    • 行业 教育科研

    Day 44    聊聊学校生活

    1. Was school fun? 【上学有趣吗?】

    2. What was the most fun? 【什么最有趣?】

    3. Playing outside was the best. 【在外面玩最有趣。】

    4. Something bad happened to me. 【我发生了一些不好的事情。】

    5. Did you get in trouble with your teacher? 【你给老师惹麻烦了吗?】

    6. Don't ask. I don't want to talk about it. 【不要问,我不想说。】

    7. Tell me what you learned in school. 【告诉我你在学校学了什么?】

    8. Did you listen to your teacher? 【你听老师的话了吗?】

    9. The teacher praised me today. 【老师今天表扬我了。】

    10. We changed seats today. 【我们今天换座位了。】

    • 来自 江苏省
    • 精华 2
    • 注册 2015-5-27
    • 行业 教育科研

    Day 45   做作业(一)

    1. Do you have any homework? 【你有家庭作业吗?】

    2. What's your homework? 【你的家庭作业是什么?】

    3. Show me your notebook. 【让我看看你的笔记本。】

    4. Play after you do your homework. 【做完作业再玩。】

    5. Do your homework first. 【先做作业。】

    6. I'll do after playing for a little bit. 【我先玩一会再做。】

    7. After this TV show. 【等这个电视节目看完再做。】

    8. Don't put it off until later. 【不可以往后拖延。】

    9. Did you finish your homework? 【你的作业都做完了吗?】

    10. No, I'm still working on it. 【不,我还在做。】

    [ 本帖最后由 Kathy的私人花园 于 2020-4-23 21:46 编辑 ]

    • 来自 江苏省
    • 精华 2
    • 注册 2015-5-27
    • 行业 教育科研

    Day 46   做作业(二)

    1. How do I do this? 【这个怎么做?】

    2. You should do your homework by yourself. 【你应该自己独立完成作业。】

    3. If you need help, call me out. [如果你需要帮助,叫我。】

    4. This is too hard. 【这题太难了。】

    5. When can you get this done? 【你什么时候能写完?】

    6. If you're done with your homework, put it in your bag. 【如果你的作业写完了,把它放进书包。】

    7. You have to do your homework right after you come back. 【你应该一回家就写作业。】

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