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    教育培训  >  [外语培训] 镇江外语培训/英语培训/范文(上)      [广告推广]     
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    [外语培训] 镇江外语培训/英语培训/范文(上)      [广告推广]      查看: 492  回复: 2
    • 来自 江苏省
    • 精华 0
    • 注册 2020-4-25
    • 行业 教育科研

    联系电话/微信:姚老师  13615273115(微信同号)


    如何写一篇Personal Statement:范文(上)


    This is Xinyi Xiang who is applying for veterinary biological major for my undergraduate course. With great passion and interest in biological and veterinary science, I have decided to devote myself to the academic research of the disciplines for the next three or four years. Also, highlighted by extraordinary grades in my high school subjects including mathematics and biology and my overseas study experience in the United States, I believe I am the most suitable student for this major and my following higher education in UK.

    First of all, I show great passion and ambition in biology before I decide my major for undergraduate course. When I was a little kid, I had owned interests in the nature and animals around me. For example, when I found plants or animals that I was not familiar with, I would ask my parents or teachers about their names, characters and habits. When I could read, the biological encyclopedia became my bedtime book and I was addicted to the fantastic world of animals and plants. When I grew up, the ambition to explore the laws of nature becomes stronger, because I believe that the more we learn about animals, the more people would learn about ourselves. Thus, in the future, I dream to be a biological scientist. By taking advantage of knowledge researched from animal, I will make more contribution to human beings’ health and development.

    • 来自 江苏省
    • 精华 0
    • 注册 2020-4-25
    • 行业 教育科研

    • 来自 江苏省
    • 精华 0
    • 注册 2020-4-25
    • 行业 教育科研

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