文件编号 IF11826,下一代攻击型核潜艇首艇开工从 2035 年延后至 2040 年。
The Navy's FY2024 budget submission envisaged procuring the first SSN(X) in FY2035. The Navy's FY2025 budget submission defers the envisaged procurement of the first SSN(X) from FY2035 to FY2040. The Navy's FY2025 30-year (FY2035-FY2054) shipbuilding plan states: “The delay of SSN(X) construction start from the mid-2030s to the early 2040s presents a significant challenge to the submarine design industrial base associated with the extended gap between the Columbia class and SSN(X) design programs, which the Navy will manage.”
文件编号 R46374:国会预算办公室估算的成本比海军估计的成本高至少 127%。
An April 2024 CBO report estimates the average procurement cost for 18 LSMs as $340 million to $430 million per ship in constant (i.e., inflation-adjusted) FY2024 dollars, compared to the Navy's estimate for the first 8 LSMs of roughly $150 million per ship in constant FY2024 dollars. CBO's estimate is roughly 127% to 187% higher than the Navy's estimate.
文件编号 IF11674:计划开始采购时间推迟 1 年,单舰成本上升至原本的近 3 倍。
The Navy's FY2024 five-year (FY2024-FY2028) shipbuilding plan programmed the procurement of the first TAOL in FY2026 at a cost of $150.0 million, the second in FY2027 at a cost of $156.0 million, and the third in FY2028 at a cost of $159.0 million. Compared to the Navy's FY2024 five-year shipbuilding plan, the Navy's FY2025 five-year (FY2025-FY2029) shipbuilding plan defers the programmed start of TAOL procurement by one year and roughly triples the estimated procurement cost of each ship—the plan programs the procurement of the first TAOL in FY2027, the second in FY2028, and the third in FY2029, each at a cost of $453 million.
文件编号 RS20643:除 CVN-81 暂无延期问题外,正在建造的 4 艘全部延期或提议推迟。
CVN-79 已经延期,虽然预计 2025 年 7 月交付,但截至目前仍未海试。CVN-80 延期 18-26 个月。CVN-82 采购提议推迟 2 年。
On April 2, 2024, the Navy announced delays in the scheduled deliveries of several of its shipbuilding programs due to shipyard workforce and supply chain challenges and other issues, including CVN-80, whose delivery, the Navy stated, will be delayed approximately 18 to 26 months.16 The Navy's FY2025 budget submission, which was submitted to Congress in March 2024, shows the ship's scheduled delivery date as September 2029, or 18 months later than the March 2028 date shown in the Navy's FY2024 budget submission, which was submitted to Congress in March 2023.
Prior to the Navy's FY2025 budget submission, Navy budget submissions showed CVN-82 as programmed for procurement in FY2028. The Navy's FY2025 budget submission proposes deferring the procurement of the ship by two years, from FY2028 to FY2030, with advance procurement (AP) for the ship beginning in FY2027. Procuring CVN-82 in FY2028, as previously scheduled, could involve providing roughly $550 million in AP funding for the ship in FY2025.
文件编号 RL32109:伯克III 首舰超支,后续 13 艘交付时间延期 6 至 25 个月不等。朱姆沃尔特级 2 号舰 DDG-1001 形成战斗力的测试进程已经延期至少 7 年,还将继续延期;3 号舰 DDG-1002 交付时间因 CPS 改装而延期 26 个月,至 2026 年年底才能交付。
Since last year's assessment, the Navy completed the acceptance trial for the lead Flight III ship — DDG-125 — and took delivery of the ship in June 2023 as planned. The program experienced cost growth for the first two Flight III ships, with the program office stating that it requested an additional $290 million for fiscal years 2023 and 2024 to cover the government’s portion of cost overruns for certain contracts. The program office stated that issues at both shipyards with hiring, retention, and workforce experience — and the associated construction inefficiencies — contributed to the cost growth. Shipyard performance is also significantly hindering the schedule for follow-on ships. The program office estimates delivery delays ranging from 6 to 25 months for the 13 follow-on ships purchased during fiscal years 2017-2022.
文件编号 R41129:首艇交付时间延期 12-16 个月,FY24 至 FY25 一年时间内项目成本上升 12%,被评估为有成本重大增长风险。
The impact of an estimated 12- to 16-month delay in the delivery of the first Columbia-class boat on the Navy’s plans for replacing Ohio-class SSBNs on a timely basis.